Sonja Grace’s Predictions


Mystic Healer, Sonja Grace: Predictions for 2021

For Beyond 50’s “Spirituality” talks, listen to an interview with Mystic Healer Sonja Grace from Arizona. She’s back on the show to offer her intuitive insights about this New Year. Grace warns us to brace ourselves. We’ll have extremes of all things good and bad to be overturned and looked at. We have moved into the Age of Aquarius. This will shift our consciousness as we continue to move into higher frequencies. Truths will be revealed and seeing the bigger picture will make life on Earth much more understandable regarding patterns and cycles.

Mystic Healer, Sonja Grace: Predictions for 2019

For Beyond 50’s “Emerging Trends” talks, listen to an interview with Mystic Healer Sonja Grace. She is back on the program to reveal what’s to come for this new year. According to her, it will be a prosperous one. She’ll share her intuitive insights as a clairvoyant, visions about the future that can affect many, both nationally and internationally.

Mystic Healer Sonja Grace: Predictions for 2017

For Beyond 50’s “Emerging Trends” talks, listen to an interview with Mystic Healer, Sonja Grace. She’s back on the program to offer her annual predictions of what’s to come this New Year on a national and international level. She calls 2017 the “Year of Hope” for humanity to have a shared, collective vision.

Mystic Healer, Sonja Grace: Predictions for 2016

For Beyond 50’s “Spirituality” talks, listen to an interview with Mystic Healer, Sonja Grace. She is back to offer her annual predictions, based on her gift of intuition and deep insight. Find out what’s to come this New Year from the results of the presidential election to more military conflicts. Grace teaches that the downfall of the human race is fear. That is the culprit of much of the unrest in the world. We can collectively choose to evolve beyond fear into greater states of beingness and love.

Mystic Healer, Sonja Grace: Predictions for 2015

For Beyond 50’s “Emerging Trends” talks, listen to an interview with Mystic Healer, Sonja Grace. A world-renowned intuitive, she’s back to offer her annual predictions of what’s to come on a national and global scale for 2015. Find out about her vision of big changes to our climactic, political, social and economic conditions.

Mystic Healer Sonja Grace: Predictions for 2014

For the New Year, Beyond 50 will have Mystic Healer Sonja Grace give her annual predictions for 2014. She offers a ray of hope and a special hashtag for humanity. Spanning the Earth, find out what’s to come in the areas of environmental issues, global weather change, financial market trends and a pressing issue all humans need to take action on – the Hadron Collider.

Mystic Healer, Sonja Grace: New Year Predictions for 2013

For Beyond 50’s “Spirituality” talks, listen to an interview with Mystic Healer, Sonja Grace. She is back to offer her predictive insights of what is to come this year on a national and global scale. It will be a year of great shakeups politically, within the oil industry, weather, economics and more.

Spiritual Intuitive Sonja Grace: Predictions for 2012

For Beyond 50’s “Personal Growth” talks, listen to an interview with spiritual intuitive, Sonja Grace. She is back to offer her annual predictions. Find out what’s to come, from a global virus that will change the way we view medicine to smoke and ash covering parts of Europe and Asia. She recommends that we all remain calm within the eye of the “storm.”

Sonja Grace: Predictions for 2011

For Beyond 50’s “Emerging Trends” talks, listen to an interview with Sonja Grace, a world-renowned intuitive. She is back to offer her top predictions for the New Year. Find out what’s likely to happen on a national and international level.

Sonja Grace Sessions


Sonja’s ability to work remotely is a complete shift of time and space. As an energy surgeon she works on tissue, organs, blood, bones, illness and disease. Sonja helps clients to identify what the emotional components are that have caused the physical problem. Through deep processing work the emotional wounds from childhood are revealed and energetically released.

“It is God’s will, not mine” -Sonja Grace


Love, humor, inspiration and life path questions are answered in this thought provoking, weekly message.