Earth Ways Healing Medicine for the Soul

Earth Ways

Earth Ways: Healing Medicine for the Soul, A Practical Guide for Ceremonies of the Earth

Provides a pathway to the four seasons and how to communicate with the Earth through Prayer and Ceremony.

“Thank you, Mother Earth, for the air I breathe, the ground I walk on, the silence in the night, the cold wind on my face and the bright colors of spring. I recognize these are your gifts and I am grateful. My heart is filled with love as I send rays of love to my inner core; I also send rays of love deep down into the ground, filling you, Mother Earth, with my gratitude.”

More excerpts and Videos from the book can be found on the page Earth Ways Prayers and Meditations.

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Reviews of Earth Ways


“Mother Earth” couldn’t of written us a finer guide on the how to be graciously respectful, and thankful for Gaia! Thank you Gaia for for life!
Sonja Grace has lovingly given her gifts to us in this marvelous tool book!
Thank you Sonja once again! I am humbled beyond words… I can’t wait for your next!”
– Jean M. Nusom


“Sonja Grace delivers! An authentic author, Sonja interlaces a medley of deep insight, fact and ceremony taking the reader on a thought provoking journey. As if having a conversation with Sonja herself, this book offers simple practices one can easily integrate into their daily lives enabling them, their own unique spiritual experience. No preaching, no empty words this is truly a Practical Guide for healing and strengthening our connection to the Earth. I highly recommend buying 2 – one for you and one to give a friend!”
–   Danielle


“Earth Ways: Healing Medicine for the Soul engaged the world traveler in me and brought the realization that no matter where you are there is always a good reason for a ceremony of the Earth! This far-reaching book can be used by anyone.”
– Joyce Bates, Owner – Sun Connections Travel & Cruises, LLC


Learn More About Earth Ways Healing Medicine for the Soul: A Practical Guide for Ceremonies of the Earth

Earth Ways by Sonja Grace

Paperback: 106 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (January 6, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1466442107
ISBN-13: 978-1466442108
Product Dimensions: 9 x 6 x 0.2 inches
Shipping Weight: 4 ounces



Sonja’s ability to work remotely is a complete shift of time and space. As an energy surgeon she works on tissue, organs, blood, bones, illness and disease. Sonja helps clients to identify what the emotional components are that have caused the physical problem. Through deep processing work the emotional wounds from childhood are revealed and energetically released.

“It is God’s will, not mine” -Sonja Grace


Love, humor, inspiration and life path questions are answered in this thought provoking, weekly message.