The Spiritual CheckList

Spiritual Check List

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    I process emotional wounds and discovered there are more.

    I took responsibility for my part in this lifetime and past lives.

    I learned what my karma is and pursue daily healing.

    I identified the false ego and continue to take steps to heal.

    I realized addiction like alcohol, pot, psychedelics, food, gaming, shopping and more would not fill the void inside.

    I realized my spiritual path is one of simplicity.

    I accepted the things I cannot change and surrendered the need to feel in control.

    I realized my process is a lifelong journey.

    I let go of my need for drama.

    I feel at peace.

    I recognize I am an infinite soul having a human experience.

    I chose humility over self-importance.

    I am aware that my identity is not what defines me.

    I realize the most important accomplishment is quieting my mind.

    I no longer look for approval.

    I am in the present moment no longer thinking about the past or future.

    I love everyone as much as I love my own family.

    I am practicing forgiveness daily.

    I am free.


    Share you name and email address and Sonja will send you an email with recommendations to your Spiritual Checklist!


    Email Address:

    Sonja Grace Sessions


    Sonja’s ability to work remotely is a complete shift of time and space. As an energy surgeon she works on tissue, organs, blood, bones, illness and disease. Sonja helps clients to identify what the emotional components are that have caused the physical problem. Through deep processing work the emotional wounds from childhood are revealed and energetically released.

    “It is God’s will, not mine” -Sonja Grace


    Love, humor, inspiration and life path questions are answered in this thought provoking, weekly message.