Category: Earth Ways Series Episodes
Earth Ways Series, Season 3, Episode 3: Approval
Watch “Earth Ways with Sonja Grace: Approval” that is part of a webisode series (Season 3, Episode 3). Mystic Healer Sonja Grace traces our sense of disapproval from childhood. It is through giving our Inner Child approval and stop seeking approval from those outside of ourselves that we can heal. *Edited by Joy &…
Earth Ways Series, Season 3, Episode 2: Earth Energy
Watch “Earth Ways with Sonja Grace,” a webisode series: Season 3, Episode 2. Learn from Mystic Healer Sonja Grace talk about Earth Energy that is invisible and flows through us in an interactive and grounding way. She encourages us to draw from its energies, especially in Nature.
Earth Ways Series, Season 3, Episode 1: Compassion
Earth Ways with Sonja Grace, Season 3, Episode 1: Compassion. Watch “Earth Ways with Sonja Grace” that is a webisode series by Mystic Healer Sonja Grace. Learn from her about Compassion that is within us all and is Love for yourself and others.
Earth Ways Series, Season 2, Episode 12
“Earth Ways with Sonja Grace: How to Connect with Divine Love and Peace” that is part of a webisode series: Season 2, Episode 12. Mystic Healer Sonja Grace that we draw spiritual energies through our bodies to ignite our hearts. And the more we maintain that connection, we become a conduit for Divine Love and…
Earth Ways Series, Season 2, Episode 11
Watch “Earth Ways with Sonja Grace: Time and Space Shifting” that is part of a webisode series: Season 2 Episode 11. Mystic Healer Sonja Grace talks about changes in the time continuum (that is part of the 5th dimensional reality) causing the parallel universes we live in to come together and our collective movement to…
Earth Ways Series, Season 2, Episode 10
Watch “Earth Ways with Sonja Grace: Divine Love” that is part of an ongoing webisode series: Season 2, Episode 10. Mystic Healer Sonja Grace talks about going within to connect with Original Consciousness, the source of Divine Love. As we do that as a daily practice, it can deepen our relationship with others and to…
Earth Ways Series, Season 2, Episode 9
Watch “Earth Ways with Sonja Grace: Karma & Forgiveness” that is part of a webisode series: Season 2, Episode 9. Mystic Healer Sonja Grace talks about forgiveness as a tool we all have to clear our past life karma. The unresolved emotional woundings of the past, like betrayal and abandonment, reverberate as energy from lifetimes…
Earth Ways Series, Season 2, Episode 8
Watch “Earth Ways with Sonja Grace: The End of the Mayan Calendar” that is part of a webisode series: Season 2, Episode 8. Mystic Healer Sonja Grace talks about shifts on Earth and within the Universe as we approach the end of the Mayan Calendar on December 21, 2012. Also called “The Golden Era,” it…
Earth Ways Series, Season 2, Episode 7
Watch “Earth Ways with Sonja Grace: Original Consciousness” that is part of an ongoing series: Season 2, Episode 7. Mystic Healer Sonja Grace offers a reminder to reconnect with the divine’s Original Consciousness that was imprinted inside of us as Soul. We’ve been on Earth many lifetimes to learn the lesson of forgiveness and align…
Earth Ways Series 2 Episode 6
Earth Ways with Sonja Grace: Animal Communication Season 2, Episode 6. Mystic Healer, Sonja Grace, talks about pets as healers in our lives. They offer both unconditional love and the ability to absorb our negative energies. We can learn to communicate with them in a telepathic way that is a natural ability for all of…